We are a specialist boutique for the
building services market
Imagine yourself in the most amazing building in the world... now take away the lighting, heating, ventilation, the lifts and escalators, acoustics, power supply and energy management systems, the security and safety systems and what are you left with?... a cold, dark uninhabitable shell. Everything inside a building which makes it safe and comfortable comes under the title of 'Building Services'.
Building services are what makes
a building come to life and they include:
Energy supply, gas, electricity and renewable sources.
Lighting - internal and external supply
HVAC - Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration and escalators and lifts
Fire detection, protection, security and alarm systems
Control and communication, telephones and IT networks.
Facilities management – management of services and processes that support the core business of an organisation
If you are looking to either employ personnel or find a position within any of these sectors, then Maddison Consultants can help.
Please contact us to discuss who we work with in your sector and let us help contribute to your future goals. Talk to us on +44 (0)1252 759007